The Door in the Floor

There is a road.
It carries quite a load.
Some have traveled here before
Hoping to find the blue door.
She is all the great heroines
Of the world in one.
She holds the secret of their lives,
Vivid and obscure at once.
They are smitten
Something lives there
Their story is written
But nobody knows where.
Somebody got close.
He claims he saw his soul.
How far do you want to go?
The young man  - although
He was close
He was not ready
To let go.
Could he give up
Everything he knows
To see what the blue door shows?
And what would happen 
If he got back on the road?
Most have lost their way. 
So close!
But for what price?
She smiled as you smile now
They have gone down into the depths
You led them there.
The door in the floor
Shows herself to only a few.

© Colleen Yorke. All rights reserved.

All names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this blog are fictitious. No identification with actual persons, places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred. © All rights reserved.